The /userinfo Endpoint
The /userinfo endpoint provides information that is typically found in an OIDC flow via a JSON Web Token (JWT). Accessing this endpoint only requires your application to make a GET call to and provide the SSO Bearer access_token as authentication. For more information on how to obtain an access_token in the OAuth flow, please see this page.
This endpoint is especially useful for apps with a Clever Library integration, where OIDC is not currently supported.
Example Query
curl -X GET "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SSO_BEARER_TOKEN" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
Example Response
"sub": "64f0e2926b100a053fc08e14",
"user_id": "64f0e2876b100a053fbf9c6e",
"multi_role_user_id": "64f0e2926b100a053fc08e14",
"user_type": "teacher",
"district_id": "64ef5e6c8d6b17762d094e48",
"district": "64ef5e6c8d6b17762d094e48",
"email": "",
"name": {
"first": "John-Paul",
"last": "Johnson",
"middle": ""
"schools": [],
"given_name": "John-Paul",
"family_name": "Johnson",
"email_verified": false,
"authorized_by": "district"
Updated 4 months ago
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