
Sections (analogous to classes) tie teachers and students together.

FieldRequired?Misc. info
idGuaranteedGlobally unique and stable id for section created by Clever. Used in API calls (ex /v3.0/sections/4fe3ff51dfa547000000041f)
districtGuaranteedGlobally unique and stable id for section's district.
schoolGuaranteedGlobally unique and stable id for section's school.
createdGuaranteedResource creation date. UTC time in W3C Date Time Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ.
last_modifiedGuaranteedLast time resource was updated. Initializes to resource creation date. UTC time in W3C Date Time Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ.
nameGuaranteedClever generates a section name by concatenating "coursename" "- teacher_last_name" and "- period", e.g. _Algebra - Smith - Period 3. If course name is not present, the section name from the source system is used.
sis_idGuaranteedInternal section identifier from source system. Recommended for use only when matching historical data to new Clever import.
subjectGuaranteedThe subject associated with the section. Possible values: ["english/language arts","math","science","social studies","language","homeroom/advisory", "interventions/online learning","technology and engineering","PE and health","arts and music","other",""]
studentsGuaranteedList of ids of students in section.
teacherGuaranteedGlobally unique and stable id for section's primary teacher.
teachersGuaranteedList of ids of co-teachers associated with the section. Primary teacher will be the first id in the array (the same as the "sections.teacher" field)
links.selfGuaranteedStable link to section.
links.districtGuaranteedGets the district for section.
links.usersGuaranteedGets the users for a section.
links.schoolGuaranteedGets the school for a section.
links.termGuaranteedGets the term for a section.
links.courseGuaranteedGets the course for a section.
gradeNot GuaranteedPossible values [ "1", … ,"13", "PreKindergarten", "TransitionalKindergarten", "Kindergarten", "InfantToddler", "Preschool", "PostGraduate", "Ungraded", "Other", ""]
courseNot GuaranteedThe Clever id of the course associated with the section. This ID is generated based on unique course_number values. More on this can be found here:
term_idNot GuaranteedID of the term associated with the section.
section_numberNot GuaranteedSection identifier, set by school or district.
periodNot GuaranteedBell schedule information for the section.
ext Not GuaranteedExtension fields where field name and value is defined by the district


Fields are not returned in a specific order so please ensure that your app does not rely on the order.


Normalized Fields

Clever normalizes certain fields to a defined set of possible values:

  • Subject
  • Grade

Sections Object Example

  "course":"string",// ObjectID: Globally unique and stable ID for section's course
  "created":"string",// Timestamp: Resource initialization date
  "district":"string",// ObjectID: Globally unique and stable ID for section's district
  	// String: Extension field names and values are defined by the district
  "grade":"string",// String: Grade associated with section
  "id":"string",// Globally unique and stable ID for the section
  "last_modified":"string",// Timestamp: Last time resource was updated
  "name":"string",// String: Name provided by district or generated by Clever
  "period":"string",// String: Bell schedule information for the section   
  "school":"string",// ObjectID: Globally unique and stable ID for section's school
  "section_number":"string",// String: Section number set by school or district
  "sis_id":"string",// String: Internal section identifier from SIS
  "students":[""],// List of ObjectIDs: List of IDs of students enrolled in section
  "subject":"string",// String: Subject associated with section
  "teacher":"string",// ObjectID: Globally unique and stable ID for section's primary teacher
  "teachers":[""],// List of ObjectIDs: List of IDs of teachers assocated with section,
  "term_id":"string"// ObjectID: Globally unique and stable ID for section's term

Related objects

Each section has a primary school and contains students and teacher objects. But be careful, the students and teachers may have a different primary school than the section. For example, an elementary student may be enrolled in a middle school math class.

You'll notice that the section has a teacher field as well as a list of teachers. If a section has more than one teacher, additional teachers are listed in the teachers array. We recommend importing all teachers, not just the primary teacher.