Library Certification Guide

How Long Does it Take?

The time required to build an integration with Clever varies based on your business needs, data model, and technical constraints.

Certification Process

  1. Build Integration: Complete your Clever integration.
  2. Submit for Certification: Submit your integration for certification review.
  3. Review: Our Partner Engineering team will review your integration based on certification requirements.
  4. Results and Next Steps: You'll receive an email with your certification results and recommended next steps. If needed, we'll schedule a call to discuss your integration in detail.

How Do I Get Started?

  1. Create a Developer Account: Sign up at
  2. Refer to Documentation: Check the Getting Started in the Library guide.


Ensure the following items are complete before submitting for certification:

Integration Requirements

Your app must:

  • Use the authorization grant flow to support SSO.
  • Provision accounts on-demand for all teachers and students (if you have a student experience).
  • Provide a free trial or demo.
  • Utilize all relevant data from Clever API.
  • Support a student experience if applicable.
  • Match users on Clever ID during login.
  • Allow teachers to merge Clever accounts with existing accounts upon first login.
  • Support students with multiple teachers.
  • Support teachers with zero sections.
  • Allow users to log in on the primary redirect URI, secured with HTTPS.
  • Show a friendly error screen when logins fail.
  • Update all data upon each subsequent login or provide a method for users to sync data.
  • Clearly indicate to users that they are logged in to the correct account.
  • Provide a "Log Out" button.


  • Add a "Log in with Clever" button on the login page.
  • Prompt users for required fields not available from the API during first login.
  • Indicate automatic class roster imports from Clever (if your app supports classes/sections).
  • Minimize onboarding steps using available fields from Clever API.
  • Leverage available data from Clever (e.g., name, email, role, grade level, subject).
  • Allow teachers to re-sync their data from Clever on demand.
  • Allow teachers to select and customize which classes are surfaced and synced via Clever.
  • Associate students with teachers via Clever API data, not by requiring entry of class codes.
  • Support sections with multiple co-teachers.
  • Support teachers with 10+ sections.
  • Support sections with 100+ students.
  • Support names containing UTF-8 characters (e.g., ñ or é).
  • Override existing sessions to support students on shared devices.

Important Questions to Answer

  • Does your integration work in:
    • Chrome
    • Firefox
    • Internet Explorer
    • Safari
    • Mobile Safari
    • Mobile Chrome
  • What is the setup process when a teacher signs up for your app?
  • Do you require roster information?
  • Do you have specific rostering requirements (e.g., syncing only Math sections)? Will you build a UI to allow teachers to see only relevant sections/classes?
  • Will you update data upon each login, or will users have an option to sync new data within your app?
  • Do you support co-teachers? How will you handle this?
  • Do you require any fields beyond those provided (e.g., school, district info)? Will you prompt the user for these during onboarding?
  • Is there a period of inactivity after which you log someone out?
  • What screen do users see when they are logged out? Does the window close?