
Resources are an optional data type - resources can be created by applications and assigned to courses by district admins. If a resource is created and assigned to a course, the fields below are guaranteed.

In the district dashboard, district administrators can associate specific resources with specific courses in their SIS data. See the article below for more details:

Help Center: Content Mapping

idGuaranteedGlobally unique and stable id for resource created by Clever. Used in API calls (ex /v3.0/resources/4fe3ff51dfa547000000041f)
districtGuaranteedGlobally unique and stable id for resource's district.
resource_idGuaranteedInternal resource identifier as defined by an application.
titleGuaranteedTitle of a resource as defined by an application.
rolesGuaranteedList of roles that a resource can be assigned to. Limited to teachers and students.
createdGuaranteedResource creation date. UTC time in W3C Date Time Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ.
updatedGuaranteedResource update date. UTC time in W3C Date Time Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ.


Fields are not returned in a specific order so please ensure that your app does not rely on the order.

Resources Object Example

  "data": [
      "data": {
        "created": "2023-11-21T21:43:55.407Z",
        "district": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "resource_id": "string",
        "roles": [
        "title": "string",
        "updated": "2023-11-21T21:43:55.407Z"

Related objects

To retrieve a list of the section objects associated with a resource, use /resources/{id}/sections

To retrieve a list of the course objects associated with a resource, use /resources/{id}/courses

To retrieve a list of the useres objects associated with a resource, use /resources/{id}/users