Onboarding Districts
Onboarding and Syncing with Clever
When a school or district decides to provision and maintain records in your application through Clever, here’s how to get them set up and syncing. Below are important design decisions and best practices for building your Instant Login integration.
How Manual is Your Onboarding Process?
Before designing your onboarding process with Clever, consider your current onboarding processes: how much data (or metadata) is manually entered or edited by your team members or by customers? How much of that is required?
Our guidance is based on years of experience with customers of all sizes and product areas. There is no one-size-fits-all approach, but we present options that have worked and potential caveats.
Obtaining District-App Tokens
Every time a district authorizes your application, a token is created that stores the details of this authorization. A token is a string of characters, for example: 7f76343d50b9e956138169e8cbb4630bb887b18
To automatically sync data for the district, store either the district's token or the Clever ID. Here’s how to access the tokens shared with your application.
Manual Access
After logging in to Clever, click on a district and choose to view or copy the token in the district's Overview.
Querying for Tokens
You can query the GET https://clever.com/oauth/tokens
endpoint, which returns a list of every token granted to your application. For programmatic import of district tokens, we recommend this approach.
You can add a parameter with GET https://clever.com/oauth/tokens?district=<id>
to retrieve a district-specific token.
Associating Records with District-App Tokens
Storing District IDs
Clever gives every record a globally-unique ID, including the district. By tying your top-level object to the Clever district ID, you can identify which token on /oauth/tokens
you need to sync the data.
This allows your system to continue syncing automatically even if the token string for a district changes, as /oauth/tokens
will always return the active token.
Storing Tokens
If you’re grabbing tokens manually or prefer not to refresh tokens every time you need to sync data for a district, you can store the district-app token. Note: storing IL bearer tokens is not recommended. If your only method of updating tokens is manual, please note this in the certification process. If a token is compromised, our team will coordinate rotating the token to minimize customer impact.
Self-Serve Onboarding
Here are a few strategies we've seen applications use for matching Clever districts with database records that minimize work for your internal teams.
Matching on MDR Number
Clever supports district and school MDR numbers, and you can find this value in the /v3.0/districts
and /v3.0/districts/<id>
responses. If you store MDR numbers in your database, you can use this field to match Clever districts and internal organizations.
- Pros
- Fields are automatically populated by Clever.
- Clever can update these as necessary.
- Cons
- Not available for all districts.
- Requires access to the MDR database.
- Development Tasks
- Adding MDR number to your organizations.
- Comparing database ID to
- Edge Cases
- Missing MDR numbers.
- Clever districts that are not actual districts (e.g., single-school signups), and so will not have MDR numbers.
Matching Using Clever Instant Login
When a user logs in to your application through Clever, the district ID is provided in the /me
response. You can grab information from the user to match them to an organization in your database.
- Pros
- Any shared user at the district can log in, providing district ID.
- Cons
- Users might attempt to log in to your application before data is ready.
- Development Tasks
- Build a matching algorithm to match user’s district ID with their organization within your app.
- Edge Cases
- Handling multiple users trying to follow this flow to associate district ID.
Using a Log in with Clever Button
You can use the optional state parameter on a LIWC link to link a district to their organization. Here’s the flow we've seen other apps use:
Embed the LIWC link in the admin dashboard or send it to the admin in an email. The link format will be
https://clever.com/oauth/authorize?client_id=<client id>&redirect_uri=<redirect uri>&response=code&state=<state input>
.- The redirect URI can be separate from your primary redirect URI.
- You should still use the state parameter to prevent CSRF.
Once the user logs in, we'll send them to the specified redirect URI with the code and the state parameter, with the state input exactly as provided.
Once the OAuth flow is complete, you can use the district ID from the user and the state parameter to determine which organization the user is associated with.
- Pros
- Any user can follow this link to provide district ID, but you can better control which users have access to this flow.
- Cons
- Users might attempt to log in to your application before data is ready. You may need to launch and then unlaunch the connection.
- Development Tasks
- Process the state parameter and/or use a separate redirect URI for matching.
- Edge Cases
- Handling multiple users trying to follow this flow to associate district ID.
Admins Select District/Organization from List
In this flow, an admin (either internal or external) selects the district from a list of unmatched districts shared with the app. You can also do some name matching to get higher-likelihood matches to the top of the list or add a search feature.
- Pros
- Can be fully self-serve or simplify work for your internal team.
- Cons
- Still requires manual input.
- Edge cases around picking the right account.
- Development Tasks
- Build a filtering mechanism/UI.
- Edge Cases
- District name is not always unique.
- Possibility of mismatching, need to be able to correct this.
- The admin user in your database may not be the same as the Clever district administrator.
Email Matching
Take a look at the data that’s being synced and compare the email addresses/domains to find the organization that contains those users.
- Pros
- Can be fully automated.
- Cons
- Lots of potential issues.
- Development Tasks
- Matching data from API with organization data in the database.
- Edge Cases
- Districts with multiple Clever accounts.
Matching Records
When converting existing customers to a Clever sync, it will likely be necessary to match their existing data with data coming through Clever. Implement a strategy to manually match these records, but you can also use Clever's Matchmaker tool to bootstrap your matching for students, teachers, sections, and schools.
No matching approach will have a 100% success rate. Even if all data is "clean," there are likely new records or expired records that will not match. Therefore, it's critical for a matching process to allow for a review of failed and questionable matches.
Using a Matching Algorithm
Identify fields in your existing data set that are unique and present in the Clever data feed. Match on these fields, and store Clever IDs so that future updates will be tied to the newly matched resources.
Many developers find it relatively easy to match schools by hand (either by the developer or by the school admin) since school matching only has to be completed once. Alternatively, we provide MDR Number and NCES ID.
Many schools in Clever have NCES IDs (either loaded from the SIS or pulled by Clever on developer request) which can help match schools. However, Clever doesn't have 100% coverage, and some schools don't have populated nces_id
Clever now has robust coverage for mdr_number
fields in U.S. school records.
To match students in Clever with existing students in your product, developers have had success matching on the following fields, in order of most successful to least:
- Primary ID numbers (
) - Secondary ID numbers (
) - Birthdays (
) email
To match teachers in Clever with existing teachers in your product, developers have had success matching on the following fields, in order of most successful to least:
address- Primary ID numbers (
) - Secondary ID numbers (
) name
To match staff in Clever with existing staff in your product, developers have had success matching on the following fields, in order of most successful to least:
Multi-Role Users
Clever recommends creating one account for any user with multiple roles. If your application has separate accounts for users that are both teacher and staff, associate each account with one Clever ID to allow the user to toggle between experiences with one login or select their intended role upon login. To consolidate accounts into one, iterate through each role
response on the user object and match following the respective fields listed above. If the user matches multiple accounts in your system, associate each with the one provided Clever ID.
If you must create separate accounts for each user type, complete matching by role by adding the ?role
parameter to the user endpoint and using the respective fields listed above. Note: separate accounts will have one Clever ID for updates moving forward.
Clever does not recommend matching existing sections to sections in Clever, as unique section identifiers rarely exist in existing data sets. If matching sections is essential to your application, matching on school and teacher will simplify the process.
Clever does not recommend a fully automated match by name because it's common for more than one student in a district (or even more than one student in a school) to have the same name.
You can access Matchmaker by logging in to your Clever Dashboard and clicking 'Matchmaker' in the left menu bar. Matchmaker evaluates district data you already have and correlates it to data Clever has, relieving you of the burden of manually matching records.
Matchmaker is currently only enabled for apps that support Secure Sync, as it requires access to full district records.
How it Works
- A district authorizes your application through Clever and shares some records.
- You upload a CSV with your existing student, teacher, admin, school, or section/enrollment records.
- Matchmaker matches the records you uploaded with the records shared with your application in Clever.
- Clever emails you a CSV with a list of matched records and a list of unmatched records.
Our robots aren't perfect :(
Matchmaker does its best to match all of your records, but sometimes it just can't match every single one perfectly. We always recommend checking over your Matchmaker results before processing them and making manual matches when necessary.
Matchmaker does not play nicely with our sample data sets as there will often be many users who have the same name, increasing the chances of false negatives in the data.
Input CSV Guidelines
When creating an input CSV to upload to Matchmaker, follow these guidelines to help Matchmaker produce accurate matches. Use this example CSV as a guide. Note: you can use any fields in your CSV as long as your file meets the following requirements:
- It must be a valid CSV file (in accordance with RFC 4180). Specifically:
- Every row should have the same number of columns, separated by commas.
- Any values with commas in them should be surrounded by a matching set of quotes.
- It must contain a column header for each field.
- It should contain as many fields as possible. The more information you provide about each record, the better chance it will have of being matched.
- It must contain a unique internal identifier for each record. Use this identifier to associate matched records with the original accounts in your application.
- It should contain exactly one record for each user. If a user has multiple accounts in your application, please choose one to match with Clever. Duplicate records will not be matched.
Output CSV Format
Matchmaker outputs a CSV containing all of the fields from your input CSV, including additional identifying fields from Clever.
- Column headers for your input fields will begin with
. (e.g.,app.email
). - Column headers for Clever fields will begin with
. (e.g.,clever.id
). - The
column will contain a string indicating whether the record was matched. There are five possible values for this column:match
- the record was matched.from app, no match
- the record from your application could not be matched to any record in Clever.from app, duplicate
- the record from your application was a duplicate with another record in your application. To match these records, we recommend that you pick one record to serve as the representative for all groups of duplicate records, remove the rest, and re-run matchmaker.from Clever, no match
- the record in Clever could not be matched to any record from your application.from Clever, duplicate
- the record from Clever was a duplicate with another record from Clever. To match these records, you may need to work with the district and Clever Support to clean up their data.
Once you receive your matching output, you can associate the matched records in your application with the corresponding Clever ID (found in the clever.id
Matchmaker will only match app records against district records that have been shared with the app in Clever. Matchmaker input and output CSVs are purged from Clever's system 30 days after upload.
Updated 4 months ago