Library Certification Requirements
- Must use the authorization grant flow
- Must provision on demand on for all users
- Must utilize all relevant data from Clever API if relevant
- Must match users on Clever ID when they log in
- Must allow teachers to merge Clever account with existing account upon first login
- Must support students with multiple teachers
- Must support teachers with zero sections
- Must support a student experience if there is one in application
- Must allow users to log in on the primary redirect URI, even if application is multi-tenant. Redirect URI must be secured with https
- Must show a friendly error screen when logins fail
- Must update all data upon each subsequent login
- Must upload the following assets by completing the Marketing Collateral wizard in the Library tab of your application dashboard
- Must review and sign this standardized DSA that governs your relationship with the teachers who install your software. Please send this signed copy to [email protected].
- Add a “Sign Up with Clever” button to sign-up page
- Add a "Log in with Clever" button to log-in page
- Indicate that class rosters are automatically imported from Clever (if your application supports the concepts of classes/sections)
- Minimize onboarding steps and questions upon signup
- Leverage data available from Clever (, email, role, grade level, subject)
- Allow teachers to re-sync their data from Clever on demand
- Allow teachers to select and customize which classes are surfaced and synced via Clever
- Associate students with teachers via the Clever API data, i.e. do not require entry of class codes to be associated with a classroom
- Support sections with multiple co-teachers
- Support teachers with 10+ sections
- Support sections with 100+ students
- Support students, teachers, and sections with names that contain utf-8 characters, such as ñ or é
- Override any existing session in your application in order to support students on shared devices
Important questions to answer
- Does your integration work in:
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Internet Explorer
- Safari
- Mobile Safari
- Mobile Chrome
- What is the setup process when a teacher decides to sign up for your app?
- Do you require roster information?
- Do you have any specific rostering requirements (e.g. syncing only Math sections, etc.)? If so, will you build a UI that allows teachers to only see relevant sections/classes?
- Will you update the data upon each login or will users have an option to sync new data within your application?
- Do you support co-teachers? How will you handle this if so?
- Do you require any other fields than the ones provided (e.g. school, district info)? If so, do you prompt the user for these during onboarding?
- Is there an amount of inactivity after which you log someone out?
- What screen are users directed to when they're logged out? Does the window close?
Updated almost 5 years ago